
Project location:  Italy, Portugal, Croatia, Romania
Duration: 20 Months
Beneficiaries: Educators, teachers and high school students (15-18)
Partnership: Maghweb, CPS, ANP | WFF and Polylogos

Dove:  Italia, Portogallo, Croazia, Romania
Durata: 20 Mesi
Finanziatore: EACEA, CERV, EU
Beneficiari: Educator3, insegnanti e student3 delle scuole superiori (15-18)
Partner: Maghweb, CPS, ANP | WFF and Polylogos

Lives in Motion is non-formal educational project created by Maghweb in partnership with CPS, ANP | WFF and Polylogos, funded by the EACEA in the CERV, strand European Remembrance. The project aims to collaboratively develop, test and disseminate an interdisciplinary, non-formal educational toolkit that offers teachers and high school students (15-18 years old) a multi-faceted, historical and critical understanding of migrations, into, out of and within Europe.

Lives in Motion è un progetto di educazione non formale ideato da Maghweb in partenariato con CPS, ANP | WFF and Polylogos, e finanziato dall’EACEA nell’ambito del programma CERV, linea Memoria Europea. Il progetto vuole creare, testare e diffondere un toolkit educativo interdisciplinare, che offra all3 insegnanti e all3 student3 (anni 15-18) una visione sfaccettata e critica della storia delle migrazioni dentro e fuori l’Europa.