lives in motion-04
lives in motion-05

Project location:  Italy, Portugal, Croatia, Romania
Duration: 20 Months
Beneficiaries: Educators, teachers and high school students (15-18)
Partnership: Maghweb, CPS, ANP | WFF and Polylogos

Dove:  Italia, Portogallo, Croazia, Romania
Durata: 20 Mesi
Finanziatore: EACEA, CERV, EU
Beneficiari: Educator3, insegnanti e student3 delle scuole superiori (15-18)
Partner: Maghweb, CPS, ANP | WFF and Polylogos

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Read the Lives in Motion Child Protection Policy here.

Lives in Motion is non-formal educational project created by Maghweb in partnership with CPS, ANP | WFF and Polylogos, funded by the EACEA in the CERV, strand European Remembrance. The project aims to collaboratively develop, test and disseminate an interdisciplinary, non-formal educational toolkit that offers teachers and high school students (15-18 years old) a multi-faceted, historical and critical understanding of migrations, into, out of and within Europe.

Lives in Motion è un progetto di educazione non formale ideato da Maghweb in partenariato con CPS, ANP | WFF and Polylogos, e finanziato dall’EACEA nell’ambito del programma CERV, linea Memoria Europea. Il progetto vuole creare, testare e diffondere un toolkit educativo interdisciplinare, che offra all3 insegnanti e all3 student3 (anni 15-18) una visione sfaccettata e critica della storia delle migrazioni dentro e fuori l’Europa.