Continuing with the tradition to have our participants write the posts that are related to our training called “CommunicAction”, here’s what happened during the previous days, according to them:
“This week of hard work during our training is coming to an end tonight and we still can’t believe it, you can feel it in the air!
On Wednesday the weather got sunnier, something that boosted our energy to finish what we started in CoLab House!
The Podcast team finished recording everything they needed and did a bit of editing✂️
The Live-Stream team finally completed the script and read it all together, to see if there was something to change. Luckily, it was just perfect.
On Thursday, we made history!!!
We were the first international group ever to be hosted by the Municipality of Ilioupoli (Δήμος Ηλιούπολης) in Athens! In the morning we met with Apostolis Stasinopoulos, one the Deputy Mayors of Ilioupoli and one of the youngest locally elected representatives in Greece!
He gave us the legal context concerning women’s rights in Greece, starting from the ’80s until today and he presened to us the communication campaign that the Municipality of Ilioupoli is undergoing, in order to raise awareness on femicides. Moreover, he described the Municipality’s efforts to support women who are victims of violence (local hotline, psychological & financial support etc), with the view to protect them and eventually eliminate gender inequalitites.
We were surprised to discover that, until a few years ago, this was not a subject of public discussion in Greece. Raising awareness, however, has now become a priority thanks to the #metoo movement and all the work that has been done, in terms of laws,as well as private and public initiatives.
We have to admit we ’re very sad that all of this is coming to an end tonight, but we’re super exited that we are going to present to you what this project was all about!
The Live Straming will take place tonight at 8pm here:
Stay tuned for the Podcast publishing information!”