

Fake news can fool you

🇬🇧 Fake news can fool you. The world is going through hard times, people are experiencing uncertainty and instability, and this fear of losing our certainties makes us prone to believing conspiracy theories, fake news and it leads us to mistrust institutions and mainstream media....
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Social Comunication Forum 2.0 Maghweb

Fake news can fool you

🇬🇧 Fake news can fool you. The world is going through hard times, people are experiencing uncertainty and instability, and this fear of losing our certainties makes us prone to believing conspiracy theories, fake news and it leads us to mistrust institutions and mainstream media....
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Social comunication forum Magheb

Le parole sono pietre

Le parole sono pietre. Comprenderne la forza e l’uso consapevole è oggi una delle competenze/sfide più importanti non solo per chi professionalmente si occupa di comunicazione ma anche per chi vuole semplicemente esprimere se stesso in modo efficace. Il progetto Social Communication Forum 2.0 è...
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